WGA awards annual grants through a collaborative selection process directed by its membership. Through an application process, the Grant Committee identifies and requests proposals from organizations that make a significant community impact and demonstrate one or more of the following criteria:
Address a community problem
Enrich the fabric of the community
Foster collaboration or partnerships
Create a bold new venture
To be considered for a Grant, your services must benefit residents of Kootenai County,
your organization must be a qualified 501(c)(3) under the IRS code, or meet charitable guidelines established by the Idaho Community Foundation
You may receive only one WGA Pooled Fund Grant Award within a three year period.
WGA will start receiving Grant Applications on October 1 for the
Spring Grant Awards cycle.
Applications must be postmarked by the second Wednesday in November.
Preliminary Applications are reviewed and nonprofits moving to the Detailed Proposal Phase are selected. If selected, additional information will be
required to continue your Application.
March and April
Detailed Proposal submissions are reviewed and nonprofits moving to the Site Visit Phase are selected. Site Visits are conducted by 3-4 person teams
from the Grant Committee.
Late April
Ballot finalists will be selected.
Grant Committee members make oral and written presentations to the WGA membership for each organization on the ballot. WGA membership
votes to determine the Grant and Finalist Awards.
Votes are tabulated and Grant Awards are announced. The third week
of June is a Grant & Finalist Awards Presentation.