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Women's Gift Alliance

Making a difference through collective philanthropy


To pool the talents and resources of women in Kootenai County, Idaho

to provide meaningful financial support to a broad range of charitable, cultural and educational projects within our community.

WGA strives to increase women's awareness, involvement and leadership in local, collective philanthropy. WGA awards annual grants through a collaborative selection process directed by the membership.

The grant selection process promotes the education of WGA members and the nonprofit applicants we serve.


Members have gifted $1,632,792

back to our community through pooled

fund grant awards and individually designated gifts.


As a member, you leverage your

single gift with all WGA members,

which in turn contributes to a stronger Kootenai County. 

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Over $1,632,792 Awarded to Kootenai County Nonprofits Since 2005

Kootenai County Volunteer Search and Rescue


Drone Program Implementation


The WGA grant will enhance Kootenai County Volunteer Search and Rescue capabilities using drone technology. The purchase of two drones with different capabilities will provide faster searches during good conditions and thermal imaging searches during poor conditions.

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Lake City Playhouse  


Sound and Light Equipment


R​epairs to the Lake City Playhouse are progressing after a devastating flood in 2021. WGA funds will be used to replace the decades old and outdated sound and light equipment.

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St. Vincent de Paul


Roof Replacement


The Saint Vincent de Paul Help Center provides support to nearly 19,000 Kootenai County residents per year. The building needs a new roof if they are to continue providing support to our community. WGA funds will support this project along with grants that have been applied for from other institutions. 

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Gifts That Keep Giving

Coeur d'Alene Press, June 22, 2022

Tesh, Inc. Vice President Terri Johnson and client Travis Hoard have a happy exchange Tuesday, June 21, 2022 while discussing upgrades in the activity center break room. On Thursday, June 23, Tesh, Inc. and other local nonprofits will receive a portion of $85,000 in grants from the Women's Gift Alliance.


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The WGA $25,000 Grant Award to the Music Conservatory of Coeur d'Alene has been put to work with 7 new pianos in two studios!


WGA members and friends pictured at the Holiday Heart to Heart event, Dec. 2021

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Charity Reimagined

$5,000 Finalist Award

Resources for Charity Tracker


​Charity Reimagined is making available Charity Tracker, a cloud-based software platform to Kootenai County Idaho nonprofits, churches and service organizations to work as a collective, communicating and collaborating in real time to meet the needs in our community. WGA funds will be used to hire an employee to train Kootenai County organizations.

Shared Harvest Community Garden 

$5,000 Finalist Award

Fencing and Infrastructure Improvements


The Shared Harvest Community Garden provides fresh organic produce to our local food banks and current yields are decreased by local wildlife including rabbits and deer. WGA funds will be used for fencing around the growing beds and other improvements to the community garden.

Kids with Calf

Join today to help neighbors in Kootenai County

Children's Village thank you to WGA for
2020 pooled fund grant to purchase van

Blue Dots
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